Thursday, 26 May 2016


Myth . Parents have the right to discipline their children however, they see fit.
FACT: Discipline must follow the provisions of the Child’s Rights law; despite what parents think is best. Discipline must also be commensurate with the age and size of the child. At the end of the day, the purpose should be to correct in love and not to destroy or punish.
Myth- Male children do not get sexually abused.
FACT:  recent statistics reveals that 1 out of 6-7 boys have been, currently are or, will be sexually abuse before their 18th birthday
Myth . Sexual Abuse only happens by strangers, people the child does not know.
FACT: About 80% to 85% of all abuse victims are abused by someone they know, love, or trust, i.e- family relatives, teachers, neighbours and domestic staff.
Myth Children deserve abuse only when they are so challenging to their parents they push them to the point where they have no choice.

FACT: Being a parent is not easy, however, children NEVER deserve to be maltreated. If the situation escalates to the point of abuse, the parents need to get help immediately. (please refer to Office of Youth & S
Myth  A parent’s choice to be abusive is only excusable if it is a well-known cultural practice.
FACT: False, parents must follow California law regarding child abuse, regardless of cultural background.
Myth  If you were abused as a child, you will abuse your children as a parent.
FACT: studies have shown that about 75% of abused kids grow up and DO NOT abuse their children.
Myth: Children are very suggestible and they can easy "make up" stories of abuse
Fact: Children are no more suggestible than adults, and can clearly distinguish between reality and fantasy. Research has shown that children resist making false reports during leading and suggestive interviewing techniques. Since the early 1990s, training has been available to social workers and psychotherapists in relation to neutral and evidence-based interviewing techniques with children who disclose abuse.

Myth: It is only abuse if it is violent
Fact: Child abuse does not necessarily involve violence or anger. Abuse often involves adults exploiting their power over children, and using children as objects rather then respecting their rights as young people.

Myth: Children grow out of bad experiences in childhood
Fact: Adults are often deeply affected by childhood trauma and abuse. You cannot just “get over” it. Survivors need the right care and support to overcome the impacts of abuse, recover and live full and healthy lives.

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